Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The wages of stupidity

div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">Greetings good citizen:

I am brushing the dust off this relic partly out of boredom (as I predicted...but kept to myself, I have 'aged' out of a job. The dual forces of automation and population growth have made me 'redundant' despite a severe shortage of talent in my once ubiquitous trade.)

But enough about me. The purpose of tapping out these exercises in belaboring the obvious is to provide much needed 'verification' that you aren't least totally, bringing us to the title of this entry.

Stupid is becoming pervasive as the 'They wouldn't lie to us' media continues to insist black is white and night is day and how it's more important to 'believe' than to trust your own senses/conclusions.

You (maybe not you specifically but you understand what I mean) increasingly don't know what to think because your experience tells you one thing but the media tells you the opposite.

To the plus side, the media will soon stop the 'mis-information campaign' in favor of their preferred operating method, silence. Don't misinterpret, it's not like the talking heads will shut up, no-no! They will continue to do pretty much what they do now and spew meaningless, feel-good BS that keeps you just the way they want you, ignorant.

Again, don't get me wrong, you'll see things with your own two eyes but you won't see them mentioned on the news because officially the cops never gunned that guy down after they tazed him motionless, hands up the whole time.

Can't go showing the blind eye being turned to police brutality, may give the public the wrong impression about the difficult job those working the front lines of 'Homeland Security' face every day. {And yes, there was just a news item of a State prosecutor 'declining' to prosecute an officer for doing exactly what I describe, but mind you the incident itself occurred COMPLETELY under radar, the 'failure to prosecute' is what made the news.

If you think it's time we 'raise the bar' (or hang the miscreants who defend this variety of excess deemed necessary to keep officers patrolling the streets) then you need to know the vast majority of those who wear badges consider it their 'right' [their pappy was a cop and so were most of their male relatives, which lays the foundation of the well-known 'Blue Wall'...often indistinguishable from 'honor among thieves'...although thieves will steal from one another it's extremely rare for a cop to rat on a fellow cop. They hold THAT 'obligation' HIGHER than their 'sworn duty' to 'uphold the law'.]

But as long as you remain 'ignorant' of the forces behind the greasy palms at play here, it won't get addressed and the streets will remain dangerous BECAUSE OF 'who' is in charge of 'the piece'.

Probably more than a little disturbing that I keep returning to this dangerous topic but if you don't address the sources of corruption, nothing will change.

And guess what? Don't call the cops, the FBI or the NSA because they ALL take their marching orders from the same band of buccaneers we call the > 1 %

All the 'shit' we all face everyday starts with a badge and the public's 'confusion' over what law enforcement's 'role' is in this, not our, society.

Did I mention that these missives/rants are largely exercises in belaboring the obvious [and if you don't know that, you should!]

Stepping away from 'root cause' of our decaying civilization we arrive at that other exercise in 'self-delusion' known as the 'election cycle'. Last presidential election [resulting in Obama's 2nd term] some candidates were not only denied access to national debates but they were arrested for ATTENDING the debate.

Which again shifts the spotlight back to where we just came from as opposed to where we're headed.

Now let's turn back around and look at what's at stake, considering the clown car of 'dangerously stupid' candidates the conservative wing of our nation is running to lead this nation and, strangely missing from this entire conversation, [just like the media 'disappeared' the entire 'working class' from the last two election cycles] are the presidency's biggest responsibility, the keys to our nuclear arsenal.

Honestly, good citizen. Which conservo-whacko do YOU trust with the power to turn the Middle East to glass?

How long after The Donald is sworn in do you think it will take the UN to round up an 'occupying army' to relieve him of control of enough firepower to vaporize the planet a dozen times over? (My guess is it will take under an hour.)

And make no mistake about it good citizen, Pull all the levers and push all the buttons you want, it doesn't matter, YOU will NOT have ANY choice in who becomes 'meat-puppet-in-chief.' The > 1% decides the winner and their bought and paid for media announces the results.

Not to worry though, the position is 'ceremonial' for the most part. Not that it should make you feel safer, the meat-puppet's job is to do what their told, regardless.

Which is to opine that the people hiding behind the cloak of secrecy are in fact batshit crazy for running things the way they have (but they didn't have any 'good examples' to follow. Slavishly obeying Ayn Rand was bound to turn out like this.

Since it's been a while I will once again wrap up by explaining it is not my purpose to tell you what to think but to provide you with something to think about.

It's up to you to decide if I'M the one that is batshit crazy.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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