Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Danse Macarbe

Today half of the 'inevitable duo' packed in his campaign, ironically polling poorly compared to his party's other hopefuls. If the polls can be trusted and anyone with two brain cells still in communication with one another knows they can't.

So as the now seeming endless campaign runs into it's second year we are left to ponder what, if anything will 'change' after the election (regardless of who wins.)

What do we know for certain since 'Morning in America'? That the 'death spiral' our economy has plunged into will continue unabated. Just had to look up Reagan's reign (1981-1989) because some of my readers are to young to remember and the nation's 'electronic memory' doesn't display any of the truth regarding the Reagan years or what the second 'Imperial President' did to this nation. (In case you're wondering, the first was Richard Nixon...who gained office when what passed for a Democratic challenger couldn't shake off the media generated disgust over desegregation...and Kennedy's heir refused to run for a second term of his own...inexplicably.

Yeah, much goes unsaid by our badly biased media, which is why a whole generation thinks Reagan is a 'saint' and not a 'B list' actor who's greatest claim to fame were Bonzo movies, where his co-star was a chimp.

Perhaps more telling is how he shilled for GE before seeking political office.

The more you scratch anything connected with JP Morgan [And GE is a wholly owned subsidiary of JP Morgan] the stank of corruption clings to it.

But the media sees no evil and that should disturb every voter out there. How can you be expected to make informed decisions if you don't have the facts?

Um, there's more than a little reluctance to point fingers and throw stones but if they're going to come after you, there's really no place to hide.

I mention this because besides the institution the founders established to prevent/thwart criminality (which has always had, in capitalism's case, a 'dual purpose'...which also explains it's lack of effectiveness that conservo-whackos so bitterly complain about.)

You can't use a justice system built to defend injustice.

One of the most vexing situation the citizens of capitalist nations put up with is a legal system built around the concept of 'Do as I SAY and not as I DO!'

The government will lock your ass up in a heartbeat for things it does routinely. The thing to remember here is the people who 'designed' our legal system did so with larceny on their minds. Another sterling example our 'free press' doing it's utmost to preserve the 'public trust' [mostly by insuring YOU remain ignorant.]

Not that this is anything new (although, for that, you'd think the public would be more skeptical...but alas no, just because you weren't a fish today doesn't mean you won't get reeled in tomorrow by an even bigger fiction.

Which is to remind you of the now ANCIENT axiom, believe half of what you read and less of what you hear. Not that the printed word is more reliable but because it can be referred back to it is deemed more trustworthy than the old 'I never said that!' when the teller of exagerations is confronted with their lie. Now who looks like the liar?

But I (by now famously) digress.

As most of my posts race from topic to topic...because it's all related, with A. often driving B.

Now to go 'off the reservation' once again! When I was a kid (more than a half century ago) the public was alerted to a numerical ticking timebomb...which is exploding as you read this, driving the current mess toward the cliff of an, er, massive die-off.

In the 70's the media was abuzz with the 'Population Explosion'...then it went away...became non-news. Ironically, most of you too oung to remember the PE are totally aware of why the JOB MARKET is FUBAR, it's because Capitalism CAN'T provide enough jobs for everyone who needs one.

Pull that thread and you have the mortgage debacle, followed by the homelessness crisis (that's been building for decades! and the lowest labor force participation rates since WWII!

Like Barry before him we finally have someone campaigning to 'address' SOME OF the major problems our species is facing [mostly because we are trapped in a 'more for me' commerce system that only benefits the few.)

The bad news is Free College and doubling the minimum wage will do NOTHING to address the problem of too many participants and too little/few economic opportunities.

The worse news is there's no way to use the system (that currently exists) to fix the 40 work week, that SHOULD BE twenty or less AND put an end to buying and selling houses [making bankers rich and leaving millions homeless.] Great if you're a banker but it sucks if you're suffering from over fifty disease.

It's one thing to point to the elephants in the room and quite another to spearhead a movement to DO SOMETHING about it.

So as we ponder Jeb's 'surrender' shouldn't we also consider just how far 'off the rails' the crazy train is headed?

The fixes are simple, all it takes is the intestinal fortitude to make them happen...and not to be another who criticizes what we have while NOT offering a solution, the end of Capitalism, which is coming whether you like it or not, lies in the Human Anti-Exploitation Law {which outlaws the employer/employee contract.)

The resources of the world belong to ALL of us, your paycheck should come from the society that benefits from your labors not the asshole that charges the rest of us TEN TIMES what he pays you!

In a 'perfect world' money wouldn't be necessary but humans have proven repeatedly to be shameless opportunists, taking more than their share whenever possible...so money remains. As a tool useful only to YOU!

While the untried system is, er, 'bold' the alternative {which existed before capitalism' is considerably worse. The crown owns everything, you own nothing and you HAD TO surrender part of your harvest with the crown 'for your protection'...whether you wanted it or not.

So good citizen, a couple of 'tweaks' to stabilize the current system or will you damn your children to a short and brutish life under the yoke of Monarchy?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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