Thursday, March 7, 2013

Salvation (personal)

Greetings good citizen,

Things will be more than a little topsy-turvy for the next couple of days as I return to the civilian workforce in the field that has orphaned me repeatedly…manufacturing.

After a two-year drought I’m not complaining. I was beginning to think my race was run, that I was too old to be considered.

That said, the ripples of the sequester may yet blow this blessing right out of the water before I can get my feet back under me.

As I have proven repeatedly, I cannot see the future, we’ll have to wait and see.

First day standing all day in twenty-some odd years and are my dogs barking! Ouch!

But the new Wolverine boots are more comfortable than I had hoped and I should get used to the routine as time goes by…

Anyway, I’m returning to night shift so it will/should be day light posts from here on.

Sorry for the abbreviated post but I’m wrung out and need to get some rest before repeating what I did today, tomorrow.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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