Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Danse Macarbe

Today half of the 'inevitable duo' packed in his campaign, ironically polling poorly compared to his party's other hopefuls. If the polls can be trusted and anyone with two brain cells still in communication with one another knows they can't.

So as the now seeming endless campaign runs into it's second year we are left to ponder what, if anything will 'change' after the election (regardless of who wins.)

What do we know for certain since 'Morning in America'? That the 'death spiral' our economy has plunged into will continue unabated. Just had to look up Reagan's reign (1981-1989) because some of my readers are to young to remember and the nation's 'electronic memory' doesn't display any of the truth regarding the Reagan years or what the second 'Imperial President' did to this nation. (In case you're wondering, the first was Richard Nixon...who gained office when what passed for a Democratic challenger couldn't shake off the media generated disgust over desegregation...and Kennedy's heir refused to run for a second term of his own...inexplicably.

Yeah, much goes unsaid by our badly biased media, which is why a whole generation thinks Reagan is a 'saint' and not a 'B list' actor who's greatest claim to fame were Bonzo movies, where his co-star was a chimp.

Perhaps more telling is how he shilled for GE before seeking political office.

The more you scratch anything connected with JP Morgan [And GE is a wholly owned subsidiary of JP Morgan] the stank of corruption clings to it.

But the media sees no evil and that should disturb every voter out there. How can you be expected to make informed decisions if you don't have the facts?

Um, there's more than a little reluctance to point fingers and throw stones but if they're going to come after you, there's really no place to hide.

I mention this because besides the institution the founders established to prevent/thwart criminality (which has always had, in capitalism's case, a 'dual purpose'...which also explains it's lack of effectiveness that conservo-whackos so bitterly complain about.)

You can't use a justice system built to defend injustice.

One of the most vexing situation the citizens of capitalist nations put up with is a legal system built around the concept of 'Do as I SAY and not as I DO!'

The government will lock your ass up in a heartbeat for things it does routinely. The thing to remember here is the people who 'designed' our legal system did so with larceny on their minds. Another sterling example our 'free press' doing it's utmost to preserve the 'public trust' [mostly by insuring YOU remain ignorant.]

Not that this is anything new (although, for that, you'd think the public would be more skeptical...but alas no, just because you weren't a fish today doesn't mean you won't get reeled in tomorrow by an even bigger fiction.

Which is to remind you of the now ANCIENT axiom, believe half of what you read and less of what you hear. Not that the printed word is more reliable but because it can be referred back to it is deemed more trustworthy than the old 'I never said that!' when the teller of exagerations is confronted with their lie. Now who looks like the liar?

But I (by now famously) digress.

As most of my posts race from topic to topic...because it's all related, with A. often driving B.

Now to go 'off the reservation' once again! When I was a kid (more than a half century ago) the public was alerted to a numerical ticking timebomb...which is exploding as you read this, driving the current mess toward the cliff of an, er, massive die-off.

In the 70's the media was abuzz with the 'Population Explosion'...then it went away...became non-news. Ironically, most of you too oung to remember the PE are totally aware of why the JOB MARKET is FUBAR, it's because Capitalism CAN'T provide enough jobs for everyone who needs one.

Pull that thread and you have the mortgage debacle, followed by the homelessness crisis (that's been building for decades! and the lowest labor force participation rates since WWII!

Like Barry before him we finally have someone campaigning to 'address' SOME OF the major problems our species is facing [mostly because we are trapped in a 'more for me' commerce system that only benefits the few.)

The bad news is Free College and doubling the minimum wage will do NOTHING to address the problem of too many participants and too little/few economic opportunities.

The worse news is there's no way to use the system (that currently exists) to fix the 40 work week, that SHOULD BE twenty or less AND put an end to buying and selling houses [making bankers rich and leaving millions homeless.] Great if you're a banker but it sucks if you're suffering from over fifty disease.

It's one thing to point to the elephants in the room and quite another to spearhead a movement to DO SOMETHING about it.

So as we ponder Jeb's 'surrender' shouldn't we also consider just how far 'off the rails' the crazy train is headed?

The fixes are simple, all it takes is the intestinal fortitude to make them happen...and not to be another who criticizes what we have while NOT offering a solution, the end of Capitalism, which is coming whether you like it or not, lies in the Human Anti-Exploitation Law {which outlaws the employer/employee contract.)

The resources of the world belong to ALL of us, your paycheck should come from the society that benefits from your labors not the asshole that charges the rest of us TEN TIMES what he pays you!

In a 'perfect world' money wouldn't be necessary but humans have proven repeatedly to be shameless opportunists, taking more than their share whenever possible...so money remains. As a tool useful only to YOU!

While the untried system is, er, 'bold' the alternative {which existed before capitalism' is considerably worse. The crown owns everything, you own nothing and you HAD TO surrender part of your harvest with the crown 'for your protection'...whether you wanted it or not.

So good citizen, a couple of 'tweaks' to stabilize the current system or will you damn your children to a short and brutish life under the yoke of Monarchy?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The wages of stupidity

div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">Greetings good citizen:

I am brushing the dust off this relic partly out of boredom (as I predicted...but kept to myself, I have 'aged' out of a job. The dual forces of automation and population growth have made me 'redundant' despite a severe shortage of talent in my once ubiquitous trade.)

But enough about me. The purpose of tapping out these exercises in belaboring the obvious is to provide much needed 'verification' that you aren't delusional...at least totally, bringing us to the title of this entry.

Stupid is becoming pervasive as the 'They wouldn't lie to us' media continues to insist black is white and night is day and how it's more important to 'believe' than to trust your own senses/conclusions.

You (maybe not you specifically but you understand what I mean) increasingly don't know what to think because your experience tells you one thing but the media tells you the opposite.

To the plus side, the media will soon stop the 'mis-information campaign' in favor of their preferred operating method, silence. Don't misinterpret, it's not like the talking heads will shut up, no-no! They will continue to do pretty much what they do now and spew meaningless, feel-good BS that keeps you just the way they want you, ignorant.

Again, don't get me wrong, you'll see things with your own two eyes but you won't see them mentioned on the news because officially the cops never gunned that guy down after they tazed him motionless, hands up the whole time.

Can't go showing the blind eye being turned to police brutality, may give the public the wrong impression about the difficult job those working the front lines of 'Homeland Security' face every day. {And yes, there was just a news item of a State prosecutor 'declining' to prosecute an officer for doing exactly what I describe, but mind you the incident itself occurred COMPLETELY under radar, the 'failure to prosecute' is what made the news.

If you think it's time we 'raise the bar' (or hang the miscreants who defend this variety of excess deemed necessary to keep officers patrolling the streets) then you need to know the vast majority of those who wear badges consider it their 'right' [their pappy was a cop and so were most of their male relatives, which lays the foundation of the well-known 'Blue Wall'...often indistinguishable from 'honor among thieves'...although thieves will steal from one another it's extremely rare for a cop to rat on a fellow cop. They hold THAT 'obligation' HIGHER than their 'sworn duty' to 'uphold the law'.]

But as long as you remain 'ignorant' of the forces behind the greasy palms at play here, it won't get addressed and the streets will remain dangerous BECAUSE OF 'who' is in charge of 'the piece'.

Probably more than a little disturbing that I keep returning to this dangerous topic but if you don't address the sources of corruption, nothing will change.

And guess what? Don't call the cops, the FBI or the NSA because they ALL take their marching orders from the same band of buccaneers we call the > 1 %

All the 'shit' we all face everyday starts with a badge and the public's 'confusion' over what law enforcement's 'role' is in this, not our, society.

Did I mention that these missives/rants are largely exercises in belaboring the obvious [and if you don't know that, you should!]

Stepping away from 'root cause' of our decaying civilization we arrive at that other exercise in 'self-delusion' known as the 'election cycle'. Last presidential election [resulting in Obama's 2nd term] some candidates were not only denied access to national debates but they were arrested for ATTENDING the debate.

Which again shifts the spotlight back to where we just came from as opposed to where we're headed.

Now let's turn back around and look at what's at stake, considering the clown car of 'dangerously stupid' candidates the conservative wing of our nation is running to lead this nation and, strangely missing from this entire conversation, [just like the media 'disappeared' the entire 'working class' from the last two election cycles] are the presidency's biggest responsibility, the keys to our nuclear arsenal.

Honestly, good citizen. Which conservo-whacko do YOU trust with the power to turn the Middle East to glass?

How long after The Donald is sworn in do you think it will take the UN to round up an 'occupying army' to relieve him of control of enough firepower to vaporize the planet a dozen times over? (My guess is it will take under an hour.)

And make no mistake about it good citizen, Pull all the levers and push all the buttons you want, it doesn't matter, YOU will NOT have ANY choice in who becomes 'meat-puppet-in-chief.' The > 1% decides the winner and their bought and paid for media announces the results.

Not to worry though, the position is 'ceremonial' for the most part. Not that it should make you feel safer, the meat-puppet's job is to do what their told, regardless.

Which is to opine that the people hiding behind the cloak of secrecy are in fact batshit crazy for running things the way they have (but they didn't have any 'good examples' to follow. Slavishly obeying Ayn Rand was bound to turn out like this.

Since it's been a while I will once again wrap up by explaining it is not my purpose to tell you what to think but to provide you with something to think about.

It's up to you to decide if I'M the one that is batshit crazy.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, August 21, 2014


Greetings good citizen,

As I opined in earlier posts, the destruction of our civilization proceeds apace. That said, the biggest illusion most of you suffer from is that they won’t get away with it when history shows they have, repeatedly.

Who is the source of this insidious oppression?

The man with the badge…the same guy that claims to be protecting YOU.

You know you’ll do time for a minor infraction while the privileged few walks away unmolested.

Especially galling is how a teenager in Missouri is shot to death for allegedly shoplifting while not a single perp has done a second of jail time for dealing in ‘collateralized debt obligations’.

Is this policing in action?

Is the message here ‘steal big?’ Or more troubling…how can they prosecute you for robbing our species ‘creatively’ with ‘imaginary’ products?

This, by the same people who call the lottery a ‘stupidity tax’.

But I’m still trying to figure out what a ‘bitcoin’ is…and how your computer can make/ ‘mine’ them…

It’s the old, “if you have to ask then you probably can’t afford the answer.”

It also deposits us back at the disturbing issue of how does a society that makes nothing support itself?

Because we all know the short answer here…it doesn’t…but I, along with a lot of other smart people, have been pointing the brazenness of those who mis-manage our civilization for decades.

So what are you gonna do when you find out you’re holding an empty bag…look for a buyer?

Worse, the bag will empty ‘on command’…one day there’s the crumbs you’ve managed to squirrel away and the next, poof!

Sad thing is the metal is no more secure than the paper is…and you idiots know who you are.

So to cut to the chase, we are and have been suffering from a major overload of BS. The disturbing part is those responsible for dishing out the BS are the same people pushing YOUR buttons!

Which is to belabor the obvious…most of what passes for ‘news’ these days can be filed under ‘who gives a shit?’ but they broadcast it anyway because the alternative is silence…and silence leads to thinking…and you know what happens when people start thinking.

We SHOULD be living in a ‘golden age’ but the ‘more for me’ crowd isn’t interested is sharing what’s left…and the sad part about that is they are screwing themselves (along with the rest of us) out of some wonderful developments.

Shift mental gears with me as we take on one of the more disturbing ideas put forth by our ‘mis-managers’…the concept of ‘why work’?

One need not look too far to find ‘forward-thinking’ individuals making a case against one of the most natural forces on the planet…the one money was invented to address.

The same nitwits who put forth the mistaken notion that money exists so we can pay taxes (or, conversely, taxes exist to ‘justify’ the existence of money) is absolutely wrong.

Money exists so YOU don’t have to do EVERYTHING yourself!

Put yourself in Libertarian hell for a moment and try to wrap your mind around what would be involved in providing yourself with EVERYTHING you need to be a productive member of society. (Helpful hint: start with naked and imagine what kind of clothing you could fashion for yourself if you were stranded in the wilderness…would you be hoping to run into a junkyard somewhere?)

YOU couldn’t do it…and neither could any of these self-made, self-reliant assholes who call themselves ‘job creators’ and appreciate nothing anyone does because it’s all them!

So why work?

Because working is how we ‘participate’ in society.

Shift gears again because that necessary social good has been bastardized into an income stream for the unappreciative. (Our so-called job creators’)


One need only look at the aisles of any retail store to see how much of our efforts are wasted with ‘busy work’ (or worse, poisoning one another.)

But we do what we do to survive and still the vast majority of us live in wretched squalor (and the rest suffer a ‘hand to mouth’ existence.)

Why, you might ask?

So ‘a few’ can be rich.

How sad is it that the only ones who think that’s a ‘good idea’ are those (criminal) ‘lucky few?’

How do we, er, ‘dislodge’ the swine who control our fate from the corridors of power?

We must remove the corridors of power from their reach. [See A Simple Plan]

Which is to once again belabor the obvious and return full circle with the central issue facing our species.

We don’t have ‘money problems’…we have a HUGE ‘legal problem’ (and NOBODY to date has even nodded in the proper direction, not Marx, not anyone.)

Until now and I’m no hero.

Um, if I have to tell you to attack then I’m wasting my breath (figuratively speaking.)

The life you save will definitely be your children’s.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, April 8, 2013


Greetings good citizen,

Still ‘disoriented’ by this ‘backwards schedule’ (I’m up but I haven’t had breakfast yet because coffee will keep me awake and I need to go back to bed later!)

The posts are fewer but the message remains the same, the destruction of our civilization proceeds apace.

When it finally does collapse it will be swift and (insanely enough) unstoppable…mostly due to massive stupidity…but it is really just widespread ignorance.

Talk about your ‘dangerous games’, there will be no ‘recovery’ from the downward spiral our self-professed ‘betters’ have put us in until ‘justice’ has been served/restored.

And that is the one thing the guilty have no interest in…but they need to be tracked down and eradicated all the same.

Or they will serve as an example to a new generation of thieves, just as the ‘robber barons’ of old are the ‘heroes’ of today’s plunderers.

(You see, our grandparents thought they could ‘tax’ the robbers into compliance when letting them live [while keeping their plunder] was the original mistake.)

[And] justice won’t be restored until the link between prospering personally is severed from the exploitation of what we all need to live. (Forcefully creating a huge ‘underclass’.)

But I digress, let’s have a quick peek at today’s headlines:
Sponsors Now Pay for Online Articles, Not Just Ads
The strategy of advertisers sponsoring or producing content that looks much like traditional editorial content has become increasingly common as publishers try to create more sources of revenue.
Who needs ‘truth’ when you can pay to have your, er, ‘point of view’ published as the ‘truth’?

How ‘Orwellian’ (and I’m thinking Orson and not George) when we see this kind of ‘abuse’ of the system we rely upon for our information.

War of the Worlds (the radio broadcast) was an ‘example’ of the power of the media. People believe what they see or read in the media because it is our ‘trusted source’ for news.

They aren’t obliged to advise you that 99% of what they publish as fact is actually the opinion of the paper’s management/revenue department.

So, as you now know (kinda) you should only believe half of what you see and even less of what you hear (because most of it is BS.)

More disturbing was an article on one of the ‘top rated’ TV shows on cable…The Walking Dead.

Besides ‘outperforming’ almost every other major broadcast in its Sunday night time slot, the scientifically improbable event is also used as an allegory for our current political climate…if not our society’s entire political philosophy!

[Leading to my earlier comment regarding the ‘ocean of stupidity’ our civilization is being drown in…thanks to the same ‘profit driven’ media.]

Moving on we have this ‘obvious outcome’ making headlines once again:
Greek Banks Suspend Merger Talks
National Bank of Greece and Eurobank said they could not raise the necessary capital under the terms of Greece’s agreement with foreign lenders.
Remember when we actually worried and fretted over how we would ‘pay’ for things?

This is that ‘revisited’. How unfortunate is it, good citizen, that the scoundrels who (and remain at large) bankrupted the global banking system (with impunity) have proven what we all only suspected, that all ‘money is ‘funny’, essentially meaningless.

Why else would Geithner’s replacement be taking this position (given the US’s new found role as being ‘on top’ of the world’s remaining fossil fuel reserves?)
U.S. Treasury Chief Talks of Growth in Europe
On his first trip to Europe as Treasury secretary, Jacob J. Lew met with European officials to discuss protecting the global recovery.
Difficult for me, after two years of being unemployed, to dismiss the nascent ‘recovery’…BUT, I returned to work by virtue of a skill that has all but disappeared from these shores, manufacturing.

I’m now in the position of being one of the few that knows how to do this stuff.

So my ‘good fortune’ isn’t due to a tide that is lifting all boats. I caught a lucky niche, bully for me!

Not so good for everyone else I’m afraid.

In our final snippet, let us examine yet another inescapable fact of the ground that is rushing up to meet us…
G.E. to Buy Lufkin Industries for $3.3 Billion
The deal is the latest by G.E.’s oil and natural gas unit, one of the fastest-growing parts of the conglomerate.

So Mr. Dillenger, why DO you rob banks?

And he quipped, “Because that’s where the money is!”

Now how many of you are agree with Mr. Dillenger?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Morning in America

Greetings good citizen,

Still not up to regular posting but I thought you shouldn’t miss this excellent post by the incomparable Digby.

As many are noting of late, ‘the Reagan Revolution’ serves as a historical benchmark in the, er, ‘hi-jacking’ of the US government and its subsequent criminal takeover.

The ‘run it into the ground’ policy of the criminals (who disguised themselves as conservatives) becomes evident when we examine what they fondly refer to as “Morning in America.”

Tens of millions of US jobs flowed out of the country while imports flowed freely to hide the drop in GDP.

Our entire economy for the past 35 years has been an exercise in ‘creative accounting' (that has resulted in global bankruptcy.)

Which will soon manifest itself in the collapse of the global supply chain.

Sorry if I seem to be ‘cutting to the chase’ but my powers of concentration are greatly diminished by this disorienting shift change.

Shorter posts will likely be the rule until the situation stabilizes…or should I say ‘if the situation stabilizes.’

Time is running out.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, March 31, 2013


Greetings good citizen,

Largely because it’s the middle of the night and I don’t have to go in tomorrow I’m taking advantage of my ‘down time’ to create a new post.

Probably how it will go for the next couple of weeks until I adjust to a ‘regular’ 3rd shift pattern.

That said there have been MANY disturbing news items I have wanted to expound upon, including the typical beating of the war drums surrounding North Korea (and how the hopelessly stupid believe we are in danger of ‘eminent attack’!)

Seriously…but the same thing happened when W was drumming up support for an invasion of Afghanistan, followed thirty days later by a totally irrational invasion of Iraq!)

Which is to return to our main theme…the one where I belabor the obvious and point out the destruction of our civilization by the hopelessly greedy (and stupid.)

But let’s see what the ‘guardians of truth and justice’ have for us?
We’re One Big Team, So Run Those Stairs
CrossFit, the workout fitness program, is viewed by some companies as a way to improve worker production and morale.
Yes siree, you are a ‘member of the team’ until it becomes more profitable to ship your job to Timbuktu (where your replacement will do what you do for two cents A DAY!)

Lying corporate America keeps insisting that they ‘value’ their employees until they don’t.

The rats have no loyalty.

Your circumstances hinge largely on their inability to replace you with a competent meat puppet that they will also tell what a valued member of the ‘team’ they are!

As long as stupid keeps getting the work out the door, they will remain a ‘valued member of the team’.

But if they start angling for a better, fairer deal, suddenly they are a ‘liability’.

Although complaining about working conditions will also result in ‘early termination’:
As OSHA Emphasizes Safety, Long-Term Health Risks Fester
OSHA, the watchdog agency that many Americans love to hate and industry often faults as overzealous, has largely ignored long-term threats.
Video: A Dangerous Trade
Documents: Investigating a Chemical’s Hazards
Why do workers ‘hate’ OSHA? Because the typical capitalist will terminate employees who complain about unsafe working conditions, often telling the media those workers were ‘unwilling to work’.

In our ‘desperation’ to hold on to our paycheck, many people will throw their would be savior under the bus, ultimately aiding no one.

It’s not until the ‘true blue’ employee loses an appendage and gets terminated for being disabled that they learn who their real ‘friend’ was.

But hey, we have bigger things to worry about:
Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas
An Exxon Mobil crude oil pipeline ruptured near Mayflower, Ark., spilling as many as 10,000 barrels of oil, the company said.
Somehow I don’t think it is particularly helpful to point out that a barrel of oil only has 33 gallons in it. When it’s 33 gallons of black guk it still mighty nasty business.

But locally two water department employees were terminated for ‘dressing’ deer they had shot at one of the town wells.

Now the paper is saying the town may have to pay a fine for ‘contaminating’ the drinking water along with not reporting the incident to the state environmental protection agency.

MORE LUDICROUS is the fact that the town wells are over 1,500 FEET deep…long way for deer blood to ‘seep’ into a portion of the town’s water supply (and the well in question is just down the street from where I live. So theoretically I’d be drinking ‘contaminated water’.

Mind you, Exxon Mobil probably WON’T be fined for spilling crude oil in Arkansas but two town employees who happened to take advantage of a public water source got fired for letting deer blood run 1,500 feet above the town water supply!

You know what the chances are of that blood even reaching the water table, pretty much nil!

Soil bacteria alone will gobble that stuff up long before it even begins to get under the earth.

So why are our environmental police so stupid?

Oh, that’s right, they don’t have to know anything about biology! All they need to know is law, which is written by equally as ignorant legislators!

Did I mention we have a problem with the ‘maladministration’ of our society?

Which probably explains why this myth persists:
Freed From Its Cage, the Gentler Robot
New factory robots, designed to work and play well with others, no longer have to be fenced in to protect workers from accidents.
Let’s leave aside the reality that robots don’t consume the products they make. Once again the ‘trend’ (driven by the greedy and short-sighted capitalist) is towards ‘total automation’.

You no longer have to keep robots isolated if you eliminate humans from the factory altogether!

Thus do we continue to read ‘happy talk’ about robots learning to operate ‘safely’ around their human counterparts.

How many robots will the capitalists need when nobody has a job anymore?

(Or the ONLY jobs left are in healthcare and law enforcement…) It’s a bit too nightmarish to even contemplate a healthcare environment utterly devoid of humans, sort of re-defines the innermost circle of hell, doesn’t it?

It certainly redefines being trapped with no way out.

And this is from Saturday’s NY Times.

How bad does it need to get good citizen?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, March 25, 2013

A tired mind...

Greetings good citizen,

Once again I apologize to my faithful readers for the scant postings of late but adjusting to this 3rd shift schedule at my age is proving quite the feat.

You don’t know what to do when (and you pay dearly for your mis-steps) you are also perpetually playing catch-up in the sleep department. (No matter how much you get you still wake up addled!)

I thought I had outgrown the wish that someone would bottle ‘rest’ but there it is!

This constant state of fatigue isn’t conducive to writing coherently and I deal in that which is barely coherent on a good day!

I am tempted to throw in the towel but after two decades I refuse to let a small thing like a change of shift defeat me.

That said, I am praying for your forbearance as I adjust my internal clock to its new schedule.

But enough with the ‘excuse shirt’, my inability to remain lucid does nothing to alter the predicament faced by our civilization.

Although some curious ‘background music’ has come to mind and it makes one reflect upon the world stage with a renewed sense of alarm.

IF we ‘assume’ a global capitalist take over (a coup if you will) then the world’s nuclear arsenal is all in the hands of a single ‘team’ so to speak.

This goes a long ways towards explaining the nuclear ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ (aside from the ‘useful idiot’ argument we are currently expected to swallow.)

So what does Putin’s third term say to us?

Odd how we immediately return to the ‘useful idiot’ argument, don’t we?

Even more disturbing is the question of who is behind these ‘meat-puppets’?

Undoubtedly the one percent but who among them has the clout (to both remain anonymous AND push these otherwise powerful leaders buttons as well?)

Naturally the quick response would be to point out that NO ONE on the world stage is what we could traditionally call a ‘leader’.

And the one calling the shots is too smart to step into the limelight. (It means instant death.)

(See what I mean regarding the product of an exhausted mind? But these are the thoughts that occupy my weary head of late…)

So, are the men with their finger on the button really so spineless as to defy their lord and masters?

I suppose you’d be chicken too considering what these entities are capable of.

Which brings me to the darker still side of my musings…do these fools realize what they are unleashing upon themselves if they continue on their current course?

Even anonymity won’t save them! (Because the beast is mindless and can’t be reasoned with once it is loose!)

So these fools are relying on ‘luck’ (or worse, money) to save their sorry backsides.

We can only hope Darwin was right…(the stupid will eliminate themselves from the gene pool!)

How sad is it that these fools will take a lot of good people with them?

On that note my feeble powers of elucidation are giving it up…so I will (once again) thank you for letting me inside your head,
